Tag: ListBox

  • ButtonControls 1.10.2, ComboListBoxControls 1.5.2, LabelControls 1.2.2

    I’ve fixed the memory leaks in three more control libraries. More to come soon…

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.5.1

    I’ve received a bug report that dragging files into my controls can make the control or Windows Explorer crash, especially if the data object’s SetDropDescription method is called. So here is version 1.5.1 of the ComboListBoxControls library, that fixes this issue. More updates will be released soon…

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.5.0, ProgressBar 2.6.0, TrackBar 1.7.0

    As promised I’ve released updates to the ComboListBoxControls, ProgressBar, and TrackBar libraries, introducing the FinishOLEDragDrop method.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.4.1

    I’ve released version 1.4.1 of the ComboListBoxControls library. It fixes a crash that occurred in any of the controls when removing the last item.

  • Animation 2.6.1, ButtonControls 1.9.0, ComboListBoxControls 1.4.0

    It’s been a long time without any new release, but I have not been totally lazy. While version 2.6.1 of the Animation control only fixes a small regression, the ButtonControls and ComboListBoxControls libraries have been extended by new features. The controls from the ButtonControls library now provide events for extended mouse button clicks. The ComboListBoxControls…

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.3.1

    I’ve released a new version of the ComboListBoxControls library. It fixes a crash that could happen under rare circumstances.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.3.0, TabStrip 1.6.0

    I’ve released new versions of the ComboListBoxControls and the TabStrip library. I’ve improved the performance for item/tab insertion, removal and retrieval. For the TabStrip the importance of this change is low because tab strips usually contain only few tabs. But for the combo box and list box controls, we’re talking about improvements by factor 65.…

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.2.5

    I’ve released version 1.2.5 of the ComboListBoxControls library. It fixes a problem with the TextChanged event of the ComboBox control. More important is the second change: I had to remove all data-binding capabilities. Lately several customers reported that they get an “Object library not registered” error when trying to add the control library to a…

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.2.4, DateTimeControls 1.3.2

    I’ve released updates of the ComboListBoxControls and DateTimeControls libraries. They fix problems with various events, especially the ContextMenu event. Additionally, the DateTimeControls library now officially supports Windows 8.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.2.3, EditControls 1.8.1

    I’ve released updates of the ComboListBoxControls and EditControls libraries. For the ComboListBoxControls library, there’re only few changes. I’ve mainly improved the samples. The new version of the EditControls library fixes a problem with the font of the IPAddressBox control. Both libraries now officially support Windows 8.

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