What is ToolBarControls?

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What is ToolBarControls?

Post by TiKu »

ToolBarControls is a library containing two Unicode-supporting ActiveX controls: ReBar (sometimes also referred to as CoolBar) and ToolBar. Both controls support all the latest rebar/tool bar features of Microsoft Windows 7. They also can be setup to replace the normal menu of Visual Basic 6 - in SDI applications as well as in MDI applications. Using the custom draw capabilities you can give your application the same look as Office 2003. Another highlight is the ControlHostWindow class which can be used to create free-floating tool windows. The class has been designed for free-floating tool bars, but should work with any other control, too.
The library is optimized for Visual Basic 6.0, but should also work in any other environment that supports COM controls.

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Requirements: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2008 R2/8/2012/8.1/2012 R2/10/2016.
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