Version 2.4.0 - 22/09/2004 ========================== - New feature: The property "BorderLayoutModel" replaces the property "BorderWidth". - New feature: The properties "DarkHighlightColor" and "LightHighlightColor" replace the property "HighlightColor". - New feature: The properties "DarkShadowColor" and "LightShadowColor" replace the property "ShadowColor". - New feature: The events "BeforeBackgroundDraw", "BeforeBorderDraw", "BeforeCaptionDraw" and "BeforePictureDraw" allow CustomDraw. - From now on all releases will be binary compatible to version 2.4.0. - FlatButton now gets comprimized using UPX. - some internal optimizations Version 2.3.3 - 13/01/2003 ========================== - some internal optimizations Version 2.3.2 - 04/01/2003 ========================== - Bugfix: FlatButton reported a runtime error '0' all the time. Version 2.3.1 - 03/01/2003 ========================== - FlatButton now gets compiled to native code and then comprimized using PECompact. - some internal optimizations Version 2.3.0 - 06/11/2002 ========================== - New feature: The event MouseHover overtakes the functionality of MouseEnter, which now gets fired, when the mouse enters the control. MouseMove and so on may get fired before MouseHover. Maybe your sourcecode needs an update. - New features: The events MClick, MDblClick, RClick and RDblClick allow reactions to clicking and double clicking the middle and right mouse button. - Recoded most events. ATTENTION! Click now gets fired before MouseUp. - Recoded all drawing stuff. - Bugfix: MouseEnter and MouseLeave could get fired wrong. - Bugfix: All Mouse* events could have wrong parameters. - Bugfix: A FlatButton, which acted as a default or cancel button, reacted to [Return] or [Esc] only if an additional mnemonic key was specified. - Bugfix: The events EscapeKeyPressed and ReturnKeyPressed got fired multiple times. - Bugfix: The events AccKeyDown, AccKeyPressed and AccKeyUp had some bugs. - Bugfix: Keyboard events got fired, if the user accessed the system menu of the containing form. - some internal optimizations Version 2.2.1 - 09/09/2002 ========================== - Bugfix: If you placed more than one FlatButton on one form, other controls' events could get fired several times. Version 2.2.0 - 07/08/2002 ========================== - If you set "HoverTime" to -1, the control will use the system setting. - Bugfixes: The events "MouseEnter" and "MouseLeave" were completely reworked and now also report the pressed modifier keys and mouse buttons. - Bugfix: While loading the control an error "Invalid property value" could occur. Version 2.1.4 ============= - some internal optimizations Version 2.1.3 ============= - some internal optimizations Version 2.1.2 ============= - Bugfix: On Windows XP with activated themes, the control could crash. Version 2.1.1 ============= - Bugfix: The method "getVersions()" accidently was declared as "Public". Version 2.1.0 ============= - Compatibility: FlatButton now runs on Windows 95/98/NT 4.0. - Bugfix: The control wasn't redrawn if it was covered by a MsgBox. - Bugfix: The control was drawn as hot as soon as an overlaying window got closed while the cursor was inside the control. Hovertime was ignored. Version 2.0.2 ============= - Bugfix: HoverTime didn't work without errors. Version 2.0.1 ============= - Bugfix: You couldn't subclass FlatButton without some hacks. Version 2.0.0 ============= This is the 1st release.